The Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel II - Soldiers on the Field

Rean & Valimar

Rean Schwarzer
17 – Tachi
A first-year student at Thors Military Academy and Awakener of Valimar. One month after the events in Trista, Rean awakens in the snowy Eisengard Range plagued with worry over the fate of his classmates. Not one to quit even when the odds are against him, however, Rean immediately resolves to reunite with those he parted from–be they friend or a certain newly-unveiled foe–together with the help of two very unexpected sources: a talking cat named Celine and a Divine Knight named Valimar.

Valimar, the Ashen Knight
A humanoid called a "Divine Knight" only vaguely known to the Erebonian populace through legends of old. While he once slept beneath Thors Military Academy's old schoolhouse, the many trials Class VII conquered over the course of the year roused him from his slumber, and he now operates solely under Rean's command. Valimar speaks with brevity and few things instill an emotional, thought-provoking response from him, but his loyalty to Rean is true.


Class VII
Alisa Reinford
17 – Orbal Bow – Lacrosse Club
The daughter of Irina Reinford, chairman of the massive weapons manufacturer known as the Reinford Company. Due to her upbringing, she's an intelligent, hardworking young lady who's well versed in orbal engineering. While she's as generous as she is fiercely loyal to her friends, she also tends to wear her heart on her sleeve, giving rise to brief bouts of frustration.

Class VII
Elliot Craig
16 – Orbal Staff – Wind Orchestra
The son of Lieutenant General Craig the Red of the Imperial Army's 4th Armored Division and a warm, good-natured soul with an intense love of music that keeps him strong wherever he goes. He remains as upbeat as ever in the face of war, but between his home city being occupied by the Noble Alliance and his father's position in the army, his family's well-being is always at the back of his mind.

Class VII
Laura S. Arseid
17 – Greatsword – Swimming Club
The daughter of Viscount Victor Arseid, ruling lord of Legram. Like her father, she is a dignified noble who firmly stands by her convictions while studying under the Arseid school of swordsmanship. She may have trouble picking up on the malicious intent of others at times, but that's all the more reason why her forthrightness leaves a distinct impression upon all who meet her.

Class VII
Machias Regnitz
17 – Orbal Shotgun – Lower Class Chess Club
The son of Imperial Governor Carl Regnitz and Class VII's vice president. Machias may be knowledgeable in political matters, but due to both a stubborn streak and a short temper, he's often caught with his foot in his mouth. His strong rivalry against Jusis Albarea has yet to fade, but his once black-and-white disdain for the nobility has considerably softened since he started attending Thors Military Academy.

Class VII
Fie Claussell
15 – Twin Gunswords – Gardening Club
A former jaeger and daughter figure to the late Jaeger King, though her corps abandoned her for reasons unknown. Fie's small build belies her abilities as an efficient fighter in battle, and though she felt no particular attachment to Class VII in the beginning, she now considers it her new "family" and would do anything to protect its members from harm.

Class VII
Jusis Albarea
17 – Sword – Riding Club
The bastard son of Duke Albarea, head of one of the Four Great Houses, and younger brother of Rufus Albarea, chief of staff of the Noble Alliance. Jusis is filled with the pride of a noble, but his current position leaves him conflicted on what it means to carry himself in a way befitting of his status; should he side with his friends and put a stop to the war as a third faction, or should he continue grasping for approval from his power-hungry father as a member of the Noble Alliance?

Class VII
Emma Millstein
17 – Orbal Staff – Literature Club
A witch of the Hexen Clan, "something of a sister" to Ouroboros' Vita Clotilde, and Class VII's president. Emma is studious, helpful in a pinch, and incredibly kind to all, and nothing the war has to offer could change those parts of her. Still, she often worries that the many secrets she's kept from her classmates have betrayed their trust, most notably that of knowing Rean's fate as an Awakener.

Class VII
Gaius Worzel
17 – Spear – Art Club
The son of Lacan, the finest warrior in the Nord Highlands' nomadic settlement. No matter how dire his position may be, things rarely get under Gaius' skin-he tends to stay calm in the face of nearly any problem life presents him, and because of his warm heart, he's easily able to see plenty of positives where others may be scraping the bottom of the barrel for a single ray of hope. Having grown up along the outskirts of the Empire, Gaius also manages to bring to Class VII a fresh and much-needed perspective on Erebonian culture.

Class VII
Millium Orion
13 – Airgetlam "Lammy" – Cooking Club
A spy from the mysterious Intelligence Division and an Ironblood who goes by the nickname "White Rabbit." Bursting at the seams with energy and often spilling a few more secrets than she should, Millium is a born troublemaker whose sole mission seems to be wearing out those around her. There are more questions surrounding her sudden enrollment in Class VII than answers, but she appears to be genuinely enjoying herself...enough to forget that she was assigned to be a part of them in the first place.

A seemingly-ordinary cat who turned out to be not so ordinary. Though she mainly serves a society of witches known as the Hexen Clan, Celine currently acts as Rean's guide while he gains familiarity with his role as Valimar's Awakener. Beyond the fact that she happens to talk, her blunt-yet-sensitive temperament makes her a difficult partner for Rean to accept at first. She is kinder than she prefers to let on, however, and her boundless knowledge of Erebonia's more inexplicable happenings proves time and time again to be a valuable asset as the war carries on.

Elise Schwarzer
15 – Rapier
A first-year student at St. Astraia Girls' School and Princess Alfin's closest friend. Rean may have been adopted into the Schwarzer home as a young boy, but Elise's adoration for her older brother is as sincere as if they were blood siblings, and she constantly frets over his well-being. True to her background as a nobleman's daughter, she conducts herself gracefully and is learned in the ways of the sword, the latter which she proudly chooses to wield for Rean's cause.

Alfin Reise Arnor
15 – Orbal Staff
A first-year student at St. Astraia Girls' School and princess of Erebonia. Together with Elise and Toval, she absconded the chaos that overwhelmed the capital shortly after Chancellor Osborne's national address, eventually ending up in the Schwarzer family's care. On the surface, she is the same brimming sunshine with a penchant for teasing her best friend that she always has been; underneath, she is shaken by both the dreadful state of her country and by the fact that her mother, father, and brothers are currently missing.

Toval Randonneur
27 – Stun Rod
A senior bracer for the Bracer Guild who is currently stationed in Legram. Toval arrived in the nick of time to save Rean from certain death along the Eisengard Range, although he himself admits his perfect timing can only be attributed to a perplexing phone call he received shortly before. Having been through his fair share of troubles in his younger days, Toval's proven himself experienced in both life and in combat, and he happily acts as a big brother figure towards Rean in his time of need.

Claire Rieveldt
24 – Orbal Gun
A captain for the Railway Military Police and an Ironblood who also goes by the nickname "Icy Maiden." A brilliant problem solver, Claire chooses to personally assist Rean and the rest of Class VII in their efforts to bring the war to a close. Though renowned for her cold and logical line of thinking, she does possess a number of sweet, big sister qualities, particularly when it comes to fellow Ironblood Millium.

Sharon Kreuger
23 – Steel Wires
A maid for the Reinford family household and Enforcer No. IX in Ouroboros, the "Severing Chains." Sharon makes waves with everyone she meets due to being perfect in nearly every possible way. If an errand needs running, she'll run it faster than anyone else; if an outfit needs sewing, she'll have the needle and thread out before anyone even notices there's a tear...and if an enemy needs eradication, she would likely start dinner and be back home with the job complete in time to serve a delectable meal. How one can be so perfect, no one knows, but at least no one can call her love for the Reinford family into question.

Sara Valestein
25 – Sword & Gun
A former bracer known as the "Purple Lightning" and Class VII's combat instructor. Sara is thoroughly careless and flippant when it comes to classwork, but she has received great notoriety for her strength in battle. Being highly protective of her precious students, Sara happily uses her skills from her days as a bracer to take down foes while also acting as a beam of support for Class VII. She's careful to never order them around, instead preferring to only offer words of wisdom when the situation calls for it.

Towa Herschel
18 – Arts Gun
A second-year student at Thors Military Academy and its Student Council president. Contrary to her tiny, adorable stature, Towa acts as both a friend and an older sister to much of the student body, and the amount of work she places upon herself to keep the school running in excellent form nearly exceeds human comprehension. She's always happy to do what must be done for the greater good, and the civil war hasn't put a damper on her can-do energy one bit.

Angelica Rogner
19 – Gauntlets
A second-year student at Thors Military Academy and a skilled Taito practitioner. Angelica is at times distracted by her love of beautiful young maidens, but in a desperate situation, there's no better friend one can count on. Her rebellious nature combined with her unwavering bravery makes for a woman who would fight for her beliefs until she could fight no more-and with her constantly at odds with her father, leader of one of the Four Great Houses, she may have to do just that.

George Nome
A second-year student at Thors Military Academy and head of its Engineering Club. George has such a special touch for machines and technology that even the distinguished Roer Institute of Technology has taken notice, and he cheerfully puts those talents of his to good use for the members of Class VII. He might be the most ordinary among his circle of friends, but because of his positive energy and willingness to help others simply because it's the right thing to do, most can't help but think highly of him.

Prince Olivert
The oldest son of His Majesty the Emperor Eugent III and chairman of Thors Military Academy's board of directors. Like many, his current status since the war broke out is unknown, but those who know him personally have faith that he is doing what he can to put an end to the country-wide conflict. He has a penchant for the unusual and his behavior goes from respectable to reprehensible in the blink of an eye, but with his dear friend and confidant Mueller Vander keeping him in line, most Erebonian citizens know him for his more virtuous qualities.

Victor S. Arseid
Father of Laura S. Arseid and ruling lord of Legram. If Laura comes across as dignified, then Victor would be that same stunning image of dignity tenfold. Unlike many nobles who have chosen to side with the Noble Alliance to save their reputation, he is a man who firmly believes in right versus wrong, and should he determine something to be less than ethical, then he'll fight against it-his position in society be damned.


Noble Alliance
Duke Cayenne
A head of one of the Four Great Houses and supreme commander of the Noble Alliance. As a man raised to speak because it's his birthright to be heard, he believes with all his heart that Erebonia should be a country ruled by nobles, and no war tactic is too drastic to achieve that end. He masterfully deflects all provocations with an amused chuckle and a wave of his hand, firmly self-assured in the Noble Alliance's victory, and he delights in letting others know where they stand: beneath him.

Noble Alliance
Rufus Albarea
27 – Sword
The oldest son of Duke Albarea, head of one of the Four Great Houses, brother to Jusis Albarea, and chief of staff of the Noble Alliance. Rufus earned his reputation as genius military strategist who holds nothing back in battle, serving Duke Cayenne to the utmost of his abilities. Although he himself seems to have no qualms representing the nobles in the fullest capacity for the duration of the war, he does not force the same responsibility upon Jusis, preferring for his younger brother to choose where he stands of his own volition.

Noble Alliance
? – Claiomh Solais
A mysterious young girl who possesses a black combat shell named Claiomh Solais. Altina appears to do what she is told without complaint, speaks clearly and concisely, and works efficiently. Her near-robotic speech leaves the impression of someone with virtually no emotion, but even she has a sense a humor, with the occasional witty response or joke playing opposite to her usual low-energy demeanor.

Imperial Liberation Front
Crow Armbrust
19 – Double Saber
A second-year student at Thors Military Academy and a former member of Class VII before he was revealed to be the terrorist C, leader of the Imperial Liberation Front. He also happens to be the Awakener of the Azure Knight, Ordine, and uses his experience to utterly trounce Rean in combat near the end of Trails of Cold Steel. What his intentions are acting as Duke Cayenne's favorite puppet for the duration of the war is anyone's guess, but between his suddenly distant attitude and his desire to fight Rean, repairing his friendship with the rest of Class VII doesn't appear to be a part of his plans.

Imperial Liberation Front
22 – Templar Sword
A woman formerly known as S and part of the Imperial Liberation Front. Wherever C goes, she is sure to follow. Her brazenly coquettish behavior towards her enemies has yet to be put to shame, and though revenge seemed to be the only thing on her mind through her time as one of Erebonia's most wanted terrorists, she may have more layers to her than previously revealed.

Imperial Liberation Front
32 – Gatling Gun
A man formerly known as V and part of the Imperial Liberation Front. Wherever C goes, he is sure to follow. With Chancellor Osborne now assassinated and his apparent life's goal is now complete, he simply acts as hired help under the Noble Alliance's thumb together with his partners. The work is well suited to him, but there's been a clear change in the way he carries himself...and whether that's a good or bad thing remains to be seen.

? – Blade Rifle
A regimental commander of Zephyr, one of the strongest jaeger corps on Zemuria. Talkative and deadly in equal measure, his facetiousness manages to perfectly balance the line between being innocuous fun and downright terrifying. Like his partner, Leonidas, there's no hiding how much he adores Fie, making the question of why the corps left her behind one day all the more perplexing.

? – Mechanized Gauntlet
A regimental commander of Zephyr, one of the strongest jaeger corps on Zemuria. Unlike Xeno, Leonidas speaks with gravitas, preferring to say only what needs to be said-no more, no less. He's an intimidating man in every aspect of the word, but he does have a kinder side where Fie is concerned; he sees her like his own daughter, taking great pride in how much she's grown as a person since her enrollment at Thors Military Academy.

Society of Ouroboros
Vita Clotilde
An opera singer who once assumed the identity of the radio show host Misty. Now known as Ouroboros' Second Anguis, the "Azure Abyss," as well as a powerful witch from the same Hexen Clan as Emma, her approachable and friendly manner was quickly lost to a more flirtatious and composed version of herself. Vita carries an air of someone who always has the upper hand, and by coupling that with the random acts of kindness that pepper her otherwise villainous actions, she makes it considerably difficult to discern her true nature.

Society of Ouroboros
Ouroboros' Enforcer No. I, also known as the Almighty Conflagration. McBurn is in a perpetual state of boredom, caring so little about his surroundings or even his position in the society that even the most desperate of situations to an ordinary man would receive a tired yawn from him in turn. He is strength incarnate, and so with nothing to challenge him, he finds it takes more effort to pretend to take an interest than it does to simply walk away. That's not to say nothing in this world is worth his attention-he just has yet to find it.

Society of Ouroboros
Ouroboros' Enforcer No. X, also known as the Phantom Thief. A Trails series regular, Bleublanc continues his pursuit of beauty in all its splendid forms, much to the annoyance of those who happen to fall victim to his various riddles. He has a flair for drama and revels in theatrics, but a refined, darkly sinister side sits underneath it all, savoring the misfortune of others like a fine wine...assuming said misfortunate is beautiful, of course.

Society of Ouroboros
The head knight of the Stahlritter, a group led by Ouroboros' Seventh Anguis, and also known as Duvalie the Swift. Duvalie is both strict and dutiful-perhaps too strict-often chiding her partners and becoming frustrated to the points of tears. Even her ladylike speech sinks to out-of-character vulgarities when upset, making it difficult for others to take her seriously. Her love for her illustrious lord is unparalleled, however, and because their word is law in her eyes, Duvalie has accumulated a frightening amount of strength to execute anything she may be tasked with.